Community Clothing and Hygiene Bank
At the heart of Project Ropa’s initiatives is the Community Clothing and Hygiene Bank. This program partners with mutual aid groups and small non-profit organizations in the Los Angeles area that directly serve homeless and low-income individuals and families.
Through monthly bulk supplies of clothing, shoes, and personal hygiene products to our network of community partners, Project Ropa ensures that these essential items reach those who need them the most.
By collaborating with local manufacturers, retailers, and organizations, Project Ropa sources surplus, imperfect, discontinued, sample and secondhand items, effectively reducing waste and promoting a circular economy.

Interested in becoming a community partner?
Project Ropa's Community Clothing and Hygiene Bank provides organizations directly servicing homeless and low-income individuals and families with clothes, shoes and hygiene products on a monthly basis.
If you are interested in becoming a community partner, please complete this questionnaire, and we will be in touch within three business days.