Mobile Clothing Closet
Our Approach:
The Power of Love
Project Ropa’s approach to serving our clients is deeply rooted in the concept of the intrinsic value and unlimited potential of their lives. Instead of seeing people as problems to be solved, Project Ropa views each individual as a person with unique aspirations and contributions. Many of the individuals served by Project Ropa are working to secure living wage employment, improve their health, and maintain stable housing. Project Ropa is there to support them at every step of their journey.
Each client is welcomed to select items from our mobile clothing closet and is offered one-to-one service. Project Ropa’s team members work diligently to help clients find clothing they’ll be proud to wear – clean, stylish, and hand-picked. This level of personalized care may require time and attention, but it is where the real impact happens. It’s care that restores hope and dignity, and the clients deeply appreciate it.

Upcoming Service dates
All services are available on a first come, first serve basis.
Dates and/or times may be subject to change.
Blessed Sacrament ChurchGrab and Go Service
Blessed Sacrament ChurchGrab and Go Service
The Hope CenterLast signup at 11:30amMobile Clothing Closet Service